Friday, October 18, 2013

day #3 on day #4.

Whoops. I really did have all the intention in the world to write yesterday. I even went to my favorite coffee my favorite fashion blogs to get the wheels spinning..but alas, I was consumed by the fact that "we" (meaning at work) had inventory last night.

Nothing inspirational comes when you have to count a hundred bazillion tshirts until 2 am.

but wait.... something did! And that is what todays post is about! ohh i am so happy to share!

8 things every happy woman should have!

I saw this on my favorite fashion blog and thought "what a cute idea"..So I am going to share mine and then you can share with me yours! 

A Go To Drink: 

Tanqueray and Tonic...two limes. 

A Go To Karaoke Song:

"Dont stop Believing"- Journey
"Blue Suede Shoes"- Marc Cohen
"Apple Bottom Jeans" T-Pain (obvi)

A Uniform:

Dolphin laugh.  

A Hair Stylist They Love: 

Mariah Billado...
.ohhh i miss VT and my big blonde beauty 
queen hair....  

An Exercise Routine:

A Hobby:


   A Best Friend:

Sister: Elise
BFF #1: Angie
BFF #2: Tabby
BFF #3: Aaron

My #lifesavers: Alysha. Jenna. 

A Healthy Sense of Self: 

The journey that I am on. Sometimes (most times) I am all over the place, 
happiness comes and goes, with the ups and downs. But I am moving
in a positive direction to embrace my life and learn to
love what I have and not fret on what I am unable to achieve at this moment. 
Find joy in everyday life. 

Now wasn't that enjoyable. Alright, now it is your turn...write in the comments below what your eight happys are. Men are allowed as well :) Please dont let the comments be blank. That would be sad. And no one likes sad. 

Enjoy your day!


  1. You got it girl!!!!
    A Go To Drink:

    You stole that from me!

    A Go To Karaoke Song:

    lionel richie "all night long" ;)

    A Uniform:

    Suit up with orange peps!

    A Hair Stylist They Love:

    Trina, shes the greatest

    An Exercise Routine:


    A Hobby:


    Best Friend:

    The best blogger in the world

    A Healthy Sense of Self:


