Saturday, July 28, 2012

Done with it.

I have lived the past 28 years (or so) "walking" around with Cerebral Palsy as many of you know. Some days I am so painfree that I can fly, other days I drown in pain so bad I can barely walk. (CP side note: Cerebral palsy is a group of disorders that can involve brain and nervous system functions such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. I am lucky enough to have very little symptoms..)

 I have lived my entire mobile life in pain. Walking hurts, jogging hurts, running....slightly out of the question if i want to be able to move tomorrow...same with the dreaded Zumba...eeek! Standing hurts, moving hurts, lalala... life hurts. I have tried everything that I can possibly think of to make this pain stop, even back off for a bit : get the idea.

Nothing tends to help/work for the long run. But I still do all the above in attempts that for atleast one day I can move freely.

Now don't get me wrong, I am not sad, depressed, mad, or any other negative emotion about my CP and what I have to live with...I am actually quite happy and enlightened by the chance that I get to go above my CP and learn to live with it.

I am going on a "journey" like so many others...a journey to find what really makes my body tick and how after all these years,  I can come to terms with myself and learn to live life with my CP.
 Please join me. Everyday will be a struggle...a battle...but in the end....I'll be just a smidge more knowledgeable and a smidge more flexible. In turn, I'll be able to do a handstand. :) Pictures to (totally) follow.

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